
Recent Activities: Three I’s & Biosecurity Conference

More than 135 researchers, security professionals and others attended NCABR’s Three I’s & Biosecurity conference, held April 13-15 in Chapel Hill, in partnership with the Massachusetts Society for Medical Research, the FBI Weapons of Mass Destruction Directorate and PRIM&R.

The audience represented 61 public and private universities, government, nonprofit research and bioscience institutions from 26 states, D.C. and the country of Georgia.

Special thanks to NCABR members UNC-Chapel Hill, the N.C. Biotechnology Center and N.C. Central University for sponsoring the program, which addressed the emerging and complex challenges that touch the IACUC, IBC and IRB communities — issues relating to nanotechnology, CRISPR technology, importing/exporting and much, much more. Additional topics covered at the conference included dual use, Common Rule revisions, conflict of interest and research integrity.

Additional conference sponsors were  Abbvie and Key Solutions.

Special thanks to the following NCABR members for presenting at the conference:

Charlotte H. Coley, MACT, CIP
Training Coordinator
Office of Human Research Ethics—IRB
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Debra L. Hunt, DRPH, CBSP
Director, Biological Safety Division
Occupational and Environmental Safety Office
Assistant Professor
Duke University

Jennifer Kuzma, Ph.D.
Goodnight-NC GSK Foundation Distinguished Professor
Co-Director, Genetic Engineering and Society Program
School of Public and International Affairs
North Carolina State University

Daniel Nelson
Director, Human Research Protocol Office (HRPO)
National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL)
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Jody Power, M.S., MBA, CIP
Executive Director
Institutional Review Board
Duke University Health System

David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D.
Bioethicist and IRB Chair
National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences
National Institutes of Health

Marley Thrasher
Manager, Training and Communications
Office of Research, Innovation and Economic Development
Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services
North Carolina State University

Daniel Vick
Export Control Compliance Administrator
Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services
North Carolina State University

Kathleen M. Vogel, Ph.D.
Director, Science, Technology and Society Program
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
North Carolina State University