CTE Summer Conference
Each summer, NCABR participates in the N.C. Department of Public Instruction’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Summer Conference, where instruction is provided to Health Science Education teachers on how to use the NCABR Rx for Science Literacy curriculum manual. NCABR also provides scientist speakers from throughout the membership who share their science with the educators. The CTE Health Science Education program exists to meet present and projected healthcare industry hiring needs. Curriculum concepts incorporate technological advances to motivate students and prepare them to pursue careers as health professionals. Students are encouraged to pursue work-based learning opportunities that include job shadowing, internships and apprenticeships to support their areas of interest in healthcare. Health Science Education students may pursue the following career pathways: Biomedical Technology, Healthcare Professional or PLTW Biotechnology Research and Development.
NC–HOSA Conference
Each spring, NCABR provides scientist speakers and information about life science research and careers to middle and high school students attending the NC HOSA State Leadership Conference in Greensboro. NC HOSA is a Career and Technical Education organization that serves more than 9,000 students in North Carolina public schools.
Ethics Forum
Each fall, NCABR meets with high school students from throughout North Carolina at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics, in Durham. At the day-long ethics forum, NCABR staff hold small-group discussions with students and mock exercises that allow students to confront ethical issues surrounding important bioscience topics, such as genetic testing.